FOR SALE 1 Complete Unit and 1 Main board

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FOR SALE 1 Complete Unit and 1 Main board

Post by radioguy »

Hi All
I have 2 items for sale. I received one unit (in the case) from an order placed in March. Upon receiving it all I could hear was howling and squealing......(the capacitor issue) This topic has been covered at length in this forum. I notified the (approved) seller and he was kind enough to send me a replacement board (the main board with the display) Upon installation of the replacement board the unit worked but I guess I'm just not a QRP guy. I wasn't looking for or expecting a new Yaesu or Kenwood. I have not attempted to modify or work on these boards in any way, actually I have trouble just seeing the surface mount parts...LOL

I am willing to sell them both.......I'm simply looking for a fair offer. I will also pay for shipping. I purchased this radio after watching several YouTube videos and various reviews. Unfortunately, as a result of following this forum, I've come to the conclusion that some of the radios apparently work very well, some simply work to some degree and some are just "not ready for prime time".

I would just like to sell them if possible. ALL OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. There seems to be a lot of interest in this project so hopefully these boards and case will save someone a few bucks.

Thank You, Radioguy
Last edited by radioguy on 23 May 2022, 07:04, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: FOR SALE 1 Complete Unit and 1 Main board

Post by dl6sez »

Hello radioguy,

nobody knows where you are!
We are all sitting around the whole world :)
and 150.00 could be Euros, Pounds, Australian- Candian- Dollars...

73 de Chris DL6SEZ
Chris DL6SEZ, JN48XL near Ulm, Southern Germany

Posts: 12
Joined: 05 Mar 2022, 07:42

Re: FOR SALE 1 Complete Unit and 1 Main board

Post by radioguy »

Sorry about......minor detail.....LOL. I'm in New Jersey......not far from Philadelphia Pa.

73's radioguy W2PTH
Faraaz VK4JJ

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Re: FOR SALE 1 Complete Unit and 1 Main board

Post by Faraaz VK4JJ »

Moved to main forum.
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