OLED Test?

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Joined: 10 May 2024, 14:54

OLED Test?

Post by AC1QW »

I just finished my build of (tr)usdx, and when I applied power (via USB cable) I got no display output and a low bit of buzzing out of the speaker. I could see a new USB device show up when I ran lsusb, so apparently it's not totally dead. After a bit of looking around on the boards I observed that the OLED was quite hot and that there was some discoloration of the LCD panel. It looks like some component just below the LCD overheated: see the attached photo where there is some discoloration and a depression in the plastic.

I removed the display and inspected it. I did not see any obvious soldering flaws.

I quite likely have a damaged OLED display. Is it possible to test the display by hooking up to an Arduino or RaspberryPi and running a quick sketch/routine?

Has anyone else seen similar problems

display2.jpg (145.42 KiB) Viewed 172 times

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Joined: 10 May 2024, 14:54

Re: OLED Test?

Post by AC1QW »

Follow-up to my posting. It seems that there are various pin-out OLED. The one I received in my kit has the leftmost pin (with a square pad) identified as VCC, and the one next to that identified as GND. I see other OLED modules that have the leftmost pin identified as GND and one next to it identified as VCC.

I measured the voltage from the (tr)usdx main board: I found that the leftmost pin on the main board is at ground potential and the second pin is +4.7V with respect to the leftmost pin. So it appears that the pin-outs don't match.

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